Honeywell TFE731-3R-1D
Disc Sheet
Nomenclature | Part Number | Serial Number | Service Life Cycles | Total Cycles | Cycles Remaining |
Fan Disc | 3073563-2 | 010322900436 | 10,000 | 1,002 | 8,998 |
Fan Shaft | 3071955-5-22242 | OP-33458 | Note 1 | 7,325 | No Limit |
Tie Rod | 3073049-1 | 03P06015 | Note 1 | 759 | No Limit |
1st Stage Disc | 3072395 | 0-12112-724 | 10,000 | 7,325 | 2,675 |
2nd Stage Disc | 3072396 | 0-03160-1681 | 10,000 | 7,325 | 2,675 |
3rd Stage Disc | 3072397 | 0-03160-1752 | 10,000 | 7,325 | 2,675 |
4th Stage Disc | 3072398 | 0-12112-1890 | 10,000 | 7,325 | 2,675 |
HP Compressor Radial Impeller | 3073398-1 | 6-23365-1137 | 10,000 | 3,620 | 6,380 |
HP Turbine Disc | 3072316-2 | 1-18040-675 | 7,000 | 2,702 | 4,298 |
LP Turbine 1st Disc | 3075830-1 | 12-182449-06965 | 3,000 | 65 | 2,935 |
LP Turbine 2nd Disc | 3072542-5 | 980322903676 | 3,000 | 1,373 | 1,627 |
LP Turbine 3rd Disc | 3074096-2 | 5-12172-0420 | 7,000 | 2,015 | 4,985 |
HP Rotor Seal Plate | 3072411-1 | 0-18040-9773 | 10,000 | 7,325 | 2,675 |
Shouldered Shaft | 3072545-1 | OP-32640 | 12,000 | 7,325 | 4,675 |
Rotating Seal | 3072729-1 | 0-23151-146 | Note 1 | 7,325 | No Limit |
- These component parts have not had cyclic life limits assigned, but may subject to failure as a result of undetected abuse and unpredictable contingencies. Therefore, to provide a record of service experience and cycles (partial cycle counting does not apply), a Life Limit Part Log Card must be maintained. If the part is removed, the Life Limit Part Log Card must be updated and stay with that part.
- Engine Removed from Sabreliner 65 s/n 465-19, preserved for long term storage and crated